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1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724

Hello everybody , I live in downtown mtl and I offer different massage technique such as Californian, Swedish and lomi-lomi. I am near side the metro Place des arts (exit Bleury) on Sherbrooke west street Am available everyday with booking online or by phone and mail from 11h am to 20h .* Exceptionally until mid-May appointments will be open weekdays from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. * I accept Bank card / Credit cards and cash ($) . Price : 1h/ 90$ - 1h15/ 115$ - 1h30/ 135$ . Insurance receipts are available . Mandatory shower and Parking Available with Parking meter and underground parking ($). We look forward to taking care of you for your well-deserved moment of relaxation.

1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724

  • Montréal / Montréal
  • (Dans ma ville)
  • |
  • Parue depuis 7 jours
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724
1h/ 90$ Private Massotherapy 7/7 for man and women 11h a 20h book 514 621 3724

90 $


Catégorie : Services - Massothérapie

Type : Offre de particulier

No # : 50572703


Hello everybody ,

I live in downtown mtl and I offer different massage technique such as Californian, Swedish and lomi-lomi.

I am near side the metro Place des arts (exit Bleury) on Sherbrooke west street

Am available everyday with booking online or by phone and mail from 11h am to 20h .* Exceptionally until mid-May appointments will be open weekdays from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. *

I accept Bank card / Credit cards and cash ($) .

Price : 1h/ 90$ - 1h15/ 115$ - 1h30/ 135$ .
Insurance receipts are available .

Mandatory shower and Parking Available with Parking meter and underground parking ($).

We look forward to taking care of you for your well-deserved moment of relaxation.

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marie caron


Annonceur LesPAC depuis avril 2016


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Massothérapie à Montréal Massothérapie à Laval Massothérapie à Québec

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