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Mini-container rental - Fast service at the right price!

At Zone Conteneurs, we conduct mini-container rental from Monday to Saturday from 6:00 Am to 9:00 Pm. We serve mainly the North Shore regions, the Montreal area and some places on the south shore. Performing renovations, excavation or you do spring cleaning? We are here for you! It is only a call at Zone Conteneurs and our team will be happy to guide you in choosing a container. We have trucks specially adapted for delivery through the narrow streets. It is possible to circumvent several obstacles and thus place the mini-container where you want which will facilitate your work. We protect your entrance with planks below the containers. 10 to 20 cubic yards

Mini-container rental - Fast service at the right price!

  • Laurentides / Mirabel
  • (37 km)
  • |
  • Parue depuis 10 jours
Mini-container rental - Fast service at the right price!
Mini-container rental - Fast service at the right price!
Mini-container rental - Fast service at the right price!
Mini-container rental - Fast service at the right price!
Mini-container rental - Fast service at the right price!
Mini-container rental - Fast service at the right price!
Mini-container rental - Fast service at the right price!
Mini-container rental - Fast service at the right price!
Mini-container rental - Fast service at the right price!

0 $

on demand

Catégorie : Services - Construction/rénovation

Type : Offre commerciale

No # : 30992641


At Zone Conteneurs, we conduct mini-container rental from Monday to Saturday from 6:00 Am to 9:00 Pm. We serve mainly the North Shore regions, the Montreal area and some places on the south shore.

Performing renovations, excavation or you do spring cleaning? We are here for you! It is only a call at Zone Conteneurs and our team will be happy to guide you in choosing a container.

We have trucks specially adapted for delivery through the narrow streets. It is possible to circumvent several obstacles and thus place the mini-container where you want which will facilitate your work. We protect your entrance with planks below the containers.

10 to 20 cubic yards


Année 2017

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Guillaume Leblanc


Annonceur LesPAC depuis décembre 2004


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Construction/rénovation à Mirabel Construction/rénovation à Laval Construction/rénovation à Montréal

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