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New marketing advertising concept for sale

INNOVATIVE MARKETING/ADVERTISING/PROMOTIONAL TOOL FOR SALE : video available on request You would like to offer to your clients something different and unique to differentiate yourself from your competitors? Or you want to start a unique business? Then, you need the Splash Concept! I created and developed this concept and it is one of a kind! WHAT IS THE SPLASH CONCEPT? Using a sophisticated inflating device, Splash Concept is an advertising banner showing a corporate name and/or a message ensuring incredible visibility to your brand and surely to be remembered by everyone that witnesses it. HOW DOES THE SPLASH CONCEPT WORK? The inflatable device is carried by a technician on foot, rollerblades (on a solid surface or grass). For maximum impact, the inflatable device can be carried by a technician wearing ice skates, skis or attached to a vehicle – car, truck, motorcycle, boat, snowmobile, bicycle etc...– in a designated area or through a selected venue ensuring a publicity stunt surely to be remembered! If needed, the inflated device can be customized so to carry the corporate colors and logo of your choice. Of course, the banner can be installed on a fixed base or support. It is the ideal tool for stadiums, race tracks, festivals, arenas, expositions and outdoor activities. WHAT'S INCLUDED? - 5 Banners* - 5 Engines, 3 working and 2 for parts - Video of the Splash Concept in action - All the secrets components to operate the concept - 2 technician suits - Video how to use the Splash Concept * I provide banners in different sizes, shapes and colors. Your scripted message can be added in plain text or via a high-resolution image. WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU? I am not selling a franchise, I am selling all the equipment to operate the Splash Concept. The rest is up to you! You will be able to complement your advertising portfolio for your clients, licence the Splash Concept and generate an additional revenue stream, or create a new business all together based on this concept. Whatever your creativity takes you, as you will be the sole owner of the proprietary rights! Nowadays, dynamic and efficient management resides in being able to quickly reach its target market. Customers, bored by repetitive and conventional models of publicity, must be reached with ingenuity and creativity.The Splash Concept is the new tool! “Conventional is a word of the past. Let’s move away from the boring and the clichés”. The Splash Concept is a new communication tool and its modus operandi is seduction, authenticity and excitement. The Splash Concept will facilitate brand optimization and provide for interactive and captivating communication strategies. It will also maximize direct marketing impact while reinforcing relational and event marketing. It can also assist in product launches, promotional tours and exposition sending-off. If you would like more information about this opportunity, please write to us or call us at 1 514 567 7800 This product can be shipped worldwide.

New marketing advertising concept for sale

  • Montérégie / Châteauguay
  • (22 km)
  • |
  • Parue depuis 50 jours
New marketing advertising concept for sale
New marketing advertising concept for sale

29 500 $

Catégorie : Services - Opportunités d'affaires/associés

Type : Offre commerciale

No # : 113894418



video available on request

You would like to offer to your clients something different and unique to differentiate yourself from your competitors? Or you want to start a unique business? Then, you need the Splash Concept! I created and developed this concept and it is one of a kind! WHAT IS THE SPLASH CONCEPT? Using a sophisticated inflating device, Splash Concept is an advertising banner showing a corporate name and/or a message ensuring incredible visibility to your brand and surely to be remembered by everyone that witnesses it. HOW DOES THE SPLASH CONCEPT WORK? The inflatable device is carried by a technician on foot, rollerblades (on a solid surface or grass). For maximum impact, the inflatable device can be carried by a technician wearing ice skates, skis or attached to a vehicle – car, truck, motorcycle, boat, snowmobile, bicycle etc...– in a designated area or through a selected venue ensuring a publicity stunt surely to be remembered! If needed, the inflated device can be customized so to carry the corporate colors and logo of your choice. Of course, the banner can be installed on a fixed base or support. It is the ideal tool for stadiums, race tracks, festivals, arenas, expositions and outdoor activities. WHAT'S INCLUDED? - 5 Banners* - 5 Engines, 3 working and 2 for parts - Video of the Splash Concept in action - All the secrets components to operate the concept - 2 technician suits - Video how to use the Splash Concept * I provide banners in different sizes, shapes and colors. Your scripted message can be added in plain text or via a high-resolution image. WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU? I am not selling a franchise, I am selling all the equipment to operate the Splash Concept. The rest is up to you! You will be able to complement your advertising portfolio for your clients, licence the Splash Concept and generate an additional revenue stream, or create a new business all together based on this concept. Whatever your creativity takes you, as you will be the sole owner of the proprietary rights! Nowadays, dynamic and efficient management resides in being able to quickly reach its target market. Customers, bored by repetitive and conventional models of publicity, must be reached with ingenuity and creativity.The Splash Concept is the new tool! “Conventional is a word of the past. Let’s move away from the boring and the clichés”. The Splash Concept is a new communication tool and its modus operandi is seduction, authenticity and excitement. The Splash Concept will facilitate brand optimization and provide for interactive and captivating communication strategies. It will also maximize direct marketing impact while reinforcing relational and event marketing. It can also assist in product launches, promotional tours and exposition sending-off.

If you would like more information about this opportunity, please write to us or call us at 1 514 567 7800

This product can be shipped worldwide.

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